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  • Deborah Verlen "Deborah" - Great speaker, great priceI love this speaker. I'm old enough that I can remember if you wanted great sound you needed big speakers...and they certainly were not wireless! With this little gem you can get great sound for a reasonable price and don't need to find room in the den to place the speakers.

    The speaker itself is small--9" in length and 3-1/2" wide with a two inch depth--if you look at the product page the dimensions are different. Not sure if they were measuring the box or what. It weighs about 2.9 pounds. It is easy to move around and bring anywhere. The speaker comes with instruction booklets, an AC adapter and of course the speaker. You can charge it via a USB port, but the cord does not come with the unit. The input/output controls as well as the on/off button are on the side and easy to reach. The controls for volume, blue tooth, mic/phone are on the front and also easy to use.

    Now on to the important things--sound! For such a small speaker - this little TDK packs a punch when it comes to the sound. The bass is great as is the higher sounds. The unit also comes with a mic and you can use it as a hands free speaker to talk on the phone. My hearing is a bit damaged--used to work at radio stations and we always got free tickets to rock concerts--so my ears are not as good as they used to be and it is hard sometimes to hear lower sounds--but not with the TDK A33. I was in 7th heaven listening to my rock music off my iPhone using this speaker.

    As I said in the first sentence, I can remember my first real speakers. They may have been TDK's, not sure. But they were from the early '80's and were about four feet tall and a foot wide. They pounded out the bass and treble sounds with such awesome power that the whole house would shake. Can't say the whole house shakes with this, but I had it on my desk listening to "In-A-Gadda-Da-Vida" by the Iron Butterfly and my papers were pulsing and my pens were falling to the floor! Yes, I'm reliving my youth with my TDK A33 speaker and loving it!
  • Susmita - My first tabletA little about me, I'm not a gadget hound, I don't like to jump on the latest and greatest newly released technology. I have a DroidX which was my first smartphone just a year and a half ago. I didn't get an iPhone because I didn't want to use AT&T, and when Verizon picked it up, I decided I wasn't going to change phones and stick with Android. It's funny, but some friends were sooo excited to get "new" things on their iPhones recently and it was stuff I've had on my DroidX since I got it. I don't get the hype. I know PCs like the back of my hand, and we have a MAC at home which drives me nuts sometimes because I can't clean it up or really find where files are stored (and what's up with not being able to copy cd's?).

    So I finally really really wanted a tablet, but which one to get? Here's what I was looking for:
    1) Wanted the 10.1 size, not the "mini" 7"-8" tablets that are out there. I have a smartphone, so I don't need a slightly larger one.
    2) WiFi only, did not want another phone/data plan.
    3) Front facing camera so the grandparents could Skype with the granddaughter and not be tied to the desktop computer. So this ruled out the Kindle Fire.
    4) Removable/upgradable storage. I like having an SD card on my phone to transfer photos and stuff, and wanted to have the same option on my tablet. Also allows to upgrade from 32GB to 64GB without spending the extra $$ for it internally. Sorry iPad, I guess this rules you out. The thought of having to sync through iTunes made me cringe, I like to be able to just select what files I want and copy to a thumbdrive or SD card and move it over.

    I was originally looking at the Xoom2, but when it finally released it was 3G only and pretty expensive. In reading reviews for that one I found out about the Transformer Prime. I knew of Asus only because I had bought my husband a netbook a couple a years ago by them because of great reviews.

    So I read the early reviews for the Transformer Prime and waited patiently to order (this was early December). Finally ordered on the 19th and waited patiently again. I received my Prime on Jan 21st, which was ok with me since all the updates were rolled out (like Ice Cream Sandwich) while I was waiting.

    I love my new tablet, it's bright and sharp and quick. It did it's upgrades right away and Ice cream sandwich is great. I never used Honeycomb but I like ICS better than Gingerbread. I don't have any WiFi issues, always have 3-4 bars in my house. I haven't even turned on the GPS yet because I have my phone for that when I'm out. For those Apple versus Android people who love to do comparisons, the iPad2 doesn't even come equipped with GPS on the WiFi only model.

    What makes this tablet great compared to others is that you can buy the dock and turn it into a "laptop/netbook" and also get an extra battery. This was really cool to me since I get tired of pecking/Swype. The USB port is also a bonus for transferring stuff off my thumbdrive.

    I'm not concerned about the 700T tablet with it's HD display, 2Mp camera . Don't think I need that for an extra $100. The battery life will probably take a hit, and there will always be something better a few months later. I'm sure after HD tablets they will start making 3D display tablets.

    So there's my 2cents for what it's worth, now I can start wondering what phone to get with my "new every 2" on Verizon.
  • J. Hayes - It's ideal for my needsActually this one is a warranty replacement for my first one, which lasted about 10 months, then started over-heating. New one is working fine, so far. As for the operation, it is exactly what I wanted. A little casual web-browsing is not a problem - works fine on most websites; but for serious browsing, you'd want more. For me, I use it for quick look-ups on Wikipedia, for games, and some reading. It's ideal for me.
  • Cheryl Mcendree - Fun For AllThis nail art is fun for all but I'm having a really hard time transferring the designs from the plates to my nails. But the plates are amazing and beautiful. I love all the choices of hearts and butterflies and roses and think the plates are really beautifully designed. It's a real bonus that they came in a nice leather case with a large snap holding it together. I recommend this product if you have the time to perfect the art of nail stamping.
  • Adam Buckallew - encouraging and upliftinggotta love when you get more of a great thing!! Having heard many of these songs on my local station (K-Love), I knew I wouldn't regret this purchase. Hearing my kids sing along and knowing that they are hearing something better than the "filler" offered oncommercial radio makes it so much better! Recommend picking one of these up for yourself if you want to be encouraged and reminded that God truly cares!!