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  • Rebecca Harper - Miracle in a JarI am pretty much going to sound like a human infomercial. But this product is the best thing I have every used on my hair. I have mild psoriasis which has cause damage to my scalp. Damaged scalp means damaged hair. For many years I had a spot where my scalp was so damaged the hair grew out much coarser than the rest of my hair. I tried everything hot oils, hair treatments you name it. Wen was just another “well what can I loss purchase”. I was amazed at the results. The first time I used it I had results that I never had with any other thing I tried. The hair is softer. After 3 weeks all my hair was the same consistency and it even helped my psoriasis. My hair is healthier and looked better than it has since in many years. I have color treated hair and my hair dresser has remarked that it is amazing my hair has not gotten dried out especially since blonde tends to really suck the moister out of hair. Over all this is truly amazing and the only way I would stop using Wen is if they stopped making it. It is worth every penny I pay!
  • Golfing Fool - I am just starting week 3; may upgrade/downgrade review after 28 days/See my update; I upgraded to 5 starsI have a friend who didn't even look overweight who lost 20 lbs in 6 weeks on this - now she is very thin. So I decided to give it a shot. I lost 7 lbs week one --- that is just about what somebody might lose on a total fast in 1 week. That's amazing. Week 2 - only 2 lbs.

    I was going to wait and write this review after 28 days (which I will need to continue to repeat). But too many people are giving up before even trying it. The diet is very complicated on week 1 --- Week 2 gets easier to prepare/plan for as you get to know the plan; By week 3, you are really getting to know the plan and it is much easier.

    I equate this to changing up your exercise to confuse your muscles. Pretty much same concept. The fact that you eat so much on FRI/SAT/SUN helps this not be water weight. I am not a nutrionist but some of the things she says don't make any sense. You can have rasberries/blueberries/blackberries but no strawberries on Phase 3? Doesn't make any sense so I eat strawberries. I have watched her video stating that she has reasons for leaving off certain foods in certain phases because of "micro nutrients" but I don't buy all of it. What you can't have broccoli in phase 2/3 but you're counting celery as a vegetable which basically has NO nutrients? Makes no sense. On her blog, the author has admitted to some mistakes in the book (portions for those who need to lose >20 lbs. is an example). I think she doesn't want to admit to more.

    That said, I follow the plan - almost exactly except in instances like the strawberry, broccoli.... I find it amazing to lose 7 lbs in one week. Has not happened in 20 years EVEN when I was on Medifast a few years ago.

    If you don't have the book, this review won't make much sense. I was compelled to write, if you do have the book, give it a chance.

    I will update after 28 days.

    UPDATE:: DAY 29 - I made it and lost 15 lbs! I kept a Medifast journal 5 years ago and it took me 6 weeks to lose that much and I was heavier then. That is a high end low carb diet of about 800-1000 calories daily. This is much more than that (except Phase 2 which is about 800 calories).

    I take the author's overall concept and phases mostly literally. However, I sometimes use common sense and have brocolli and strawberries in phase 3. I do cheat and have 2 cups coffe a day. That's all I really cheated with. It is expensive but as one of my friend's say: Pay the farmer now or the doctor later.

    I have never felt healthier and don't have any cravings though I do miss my wine....