
Actos Lawsuit HQ - Diabetes Medication Increases Risk of Bladder Cancer - Have you or your loved one ever taken Actos diabetes medication? Then you should know that the FDA has linked Actos with a higher risk of bladder cancer. If you are suffering from this or other negative side effects from taking this drug, you may be due compensation through an Actos lawsuit.

Country: North America, US, United States

City: 77092 Houston, Texas

  • Sam Scherf - How to Shoot Video that Doesn't Suck by Steve StockmanAfter spending hours in libraries and book stores "this was the book for me". I had even purchased another 'how to' video book that cost over three times as much. Even a 'Dummies' book covered subjects (How to Hire Actors, How to rent equipment, etc.) that most hobbyists will never need.

    This book gets right down to things that need to be done (brainstorming, practice exercises, observing neuounces on TV programs, movies and human nature) before you can make a video that people will enjoy watching. The biggest shocker for me was counting the seconds that one 'shot' (time period that one 'camera angle' was recorded during a (any) movie or TV show). Almost all are less than 10 seconds and most are in the 5 second range. This book explains why our brain needs these 'changes' to keep us interested. It shows us what we can do with a single camcorder to record the same interest generating shots in our videos.

    There are 76 chapters in the book. Here's some of my favorites: Entertain or Die; Instant Creativity; Know your Audience; Know your story; Make Every Picture Tell the Story; Think in Shots; Always Leave Them Wanting; Don't Shoot Until You See the Whites of Their Eyes; Shoot the Details; and Clarity Is the Prime Directive. The author even provides a website that shows the results of using his suggestions.

    The list price is $13.95. Amazon's price, delivered, was less than that.
  • yaelaviva - I have found the true religionBefore Hubs came into my life, I was a worshiper of idols and false gods. Then a foolish friend gave me Hubs - as a gag gift, since he didn't understand the power of Hubs. But I did.
    Hubs, known to most as the Hutzler Banana Slicer (hence the name), is the true god, and I worship It. It told me to sacrifice my family when they told me I was spending too much time at the shrine of Hubs (the fools kept calling it the kitchen). It told me to sacrifice my doctor when he called my religion "schizophrenia". It told me to sacrifice my boyfriend when he criticized me for pleasuring myself with Hubs and a harem of bananas. Yet I have lost nothing, because they were not true believers in the wonders of Hubsism.
    Hubs has replaced sex, work, love, socialization, and all food except bananas, who in the eyes of Hubs are made for the sole purpose of sacrifices to It. I am the happiest and holiest of all Hubsists.