
Advances in medicine: Medical articles, Diseases, Drugs - Blog of Medical Internet Research, Information and Communication on the Internet

Country: Europe, GB, United Kingdom

  • Neo "matrixcaptain84" - Solid OS, worth every pennySmooth transition from my Windows 7 install to this upgrade. So far no compatibility issues with programs, the apps in the "Start menu" work great, look great. Definitely can feel a performance boost. Boot times are now next none existent. Can only get better with time. Grab the upgrade while it's cheap.
  • J and S Johnson - A must no matter where you liveAlways a good practical health/basic medical resource book that we reference no matter where we have lived. Make sure you have it around especially when the grand kids come.
  • Tatiana - Amazing Product - Don't Discredit Until you Try It !!I had to re-post my response to criticism that there are a lot of "fake" reviews floating around in regards to this product because of credit being offered to reviewers - Firstly I would like to say yes I can understand the suspicion regarding that because they are offering an incentive to encourage members to write a review that they may be biased or written only to receive the reward, but that does not mean blatantly label the reviews as being 'fake'. Think about it - these members are exposed members that already are currently re-buying the product, meaning that it must be working for them. If they are sharing a review to receive credit, they are taking the time and effort to do so for a product they obviously want, otherwise it would be pointless. Encouraging them to share their experiences is helpful to other potential customers and individuals that are looking for a solution to the very frustrating and overwhelming issue of acne/acne prone skin. I personally have suffered from moderate to severe acne for most of life, it has been an ongoing battle. There were days I wouldn't even go out because of the state of my skin and my self-esteem was completely shot. I have used everything under the sun on my skin and nothing seemed to work. I started using the Exposed system about 6 months ago, and I can't even put into words, the dramatic difference I have seen in my overall skin condition/texture. Sure, occasionally I still have breakouts but I have come such a long way, and I credit this to the Exposed line. If you're one of those people that have tried every product you've come across, dabbled in the natural remedies, pursued the pro-active hype and have short term or no luck at all, there is no downside in giving this a try. To be honest, I wish I would have found this a long time ago. But try and see for yourself ! It truly is worth it.