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  • Madame Zapple - Who Needs The Surgery When You've Got BIC Cristal For Her??Being a 6'6'' 345 pound woman with 5 O'clockShadow isnt always easy....for years i've had to deal with people staring at me when signing my credit card slip for Victoria Secret using one of those Hunky Clunky Man Pens....I feel you judging me! BUT NO MORE! Now i have my BIC Cristal For HER Ball Pen. It's sleek and effeminate design were made for delicate hands like mine. Plus you get 15 back up pens in case you snap a few while writing. It happens.
  • D. Jones "Smoke em if you got em" - Fresh!I have had horrible digestion problems since I was 14. A wide variety of symptoms that I can't even beging to list. I tried everything. Only thing that a doctor could recommend was a parasite cleanse. It worked, but it never fully went away, and after not using the parasite cleanse for 2 days or longer it would be full on attack again. I got threelac after doing some research, and now i'm trying fivelac, hopefully this is more potent, and hits some of the spots of candida the threelac couldnt. Ordered it on monday night, shipped out by tuesday, it's thursday today and it was on my front porch.
  • Chadwick - We purchase every yearThese WOW CD sets are a must as we purchase them annually and appreciate all the great Christian music on every CD set. Amazon had a great price on this year's deluxe edition, so we purchased right away. Highly recommend for the Christian music fan as this music is pleasent and not all that garbage music being produced today.