
Auckland Doctor-Travel Doctor-Immigration Medical Specialist-City GP - Auckland Metro Doctors & Travelcare are an Auckland CBD based Doctor, and medical clinic providing general medical services for treatment of accident and medical conditions, and travel health advice and vaccinations for New Zealand and international trave

Country: Oceania, NZ, New Zealand

City: Auckland, Auckland

  • Cristobal Lander "crislander" - Very convenientUranium Ore in a can. Extremely convenient. Imagine if Doc Brown had taken the time to surf the Amazon website when looking for uranium to power his time machine on the DeLorean. He would've saved himself the trouble of having to steal it from some angry terrorists who like to drive on winnebagos.
  • Glory - Take action!It's awesome! Very reliable and clear great quality HD. Very useful tablet I'm so grateful. MAKES an affordable Christmas gift.
  • Ms. Fixit - Engaging the power buttonI bought the DC44 yesterday and love the way I can move around all the furniture quickly. For quick pickups, I don't mind holding down the trigger power button. For 15 mins of straight vacuuming I prefer to have the power button permanently engaged - so I made a trigger holder. I used a cork from a wine bottle and cut out a rectangle (1"1/8" x 7/8" x 2/8") and covered it with duct tape. I posted photos to show it in the operating position and storage position (See customer images).