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  • La Guardia - NOT JUST FOR BANANAS!I can admit I was a sceptic at first, but after 1 week I've realized the Hutzler 571 Banana Slicer (Kitchen) is the closest thing I'll ever have to a father. The Hutzler 571 Banana Slicer (Kitchen) was so effective at cutting bananas that I began testing it's capabilities in other areas of my life. I've used the Hutzler 571 Banana Slicer (Kitchen) to cut cheese, rugs, corners, class, and a female dog.

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  • ahoffoss - The best tablet for the price!Don't get me wrong, for most people this machine is a no brainer, but for me, it's just "OK". That being said, I gave it 5 stars, because what it does do, it does REALLY well and for a SUPER cheap price! For it, it was a gift. My problem is, I don't read from eBooks. I only read paper books. There's just something about an actual book in my hand that I can't get from holding up a Kindle or any ereader, for that matter. I can honestly say that the reader DOES do books good, because I did read at least 1 using this. Also, the fact that Prime members have access to an unheard of amount of books they can "borrow" for free?! For the people that are looking for the best tablet on the market for the price,....the KINDLE is just that!
  • Pam Arrant "Pam book obsessed" - Perfect moisturizer for all skin typesI recently started using Philosophy's products and I have been very pleased with all of them. This Philosophy Hope in a Jar is a wonderful moisturizer for underneath your foundation. It is not thick and greasy and blends in tremendously. You also only have to use a very small amount for full coverage. Since starting using this product I will never change and use another again. I definitely have been sold on Philosophy's Hope in a Jar!!!!
  • J. Staggs "J." - So glad I found this!I have used Quick Books and the payroll software for several years, and like it for it's ease of use. When I was told by Intuit that I had to not only update my software from 2009 to 2012, but also get new payroll software, I was surprised. When I found out they charged 400.00 I was shocked! I started shopping around for other payroll options, and then discovered this - the exact same thing for half the price! I ordered it promptly (not promptly enough for Intuit - they still charged my CC 320.00 for JUST the payroll software! I called Monday morning for a refund - WHY are they not open 24/7?!)) and installed it as soon as it arrived. It DOES come with a one year subscription to payroll. The whole process was very quick, I didn't lose any data, and most importantly, I didn't have to give Intuit my hard earned money. They really screwed up, treating long term customers so shabbily. I VERY rarely write product reviews, but feel compelled to let other QB users know - buy this instead!!