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Country: Oceania, AU, Australia

City: Canberra, Australian Capital Territory

  • Roger - This book is invaluable!When on my jet ski in the Chesapeake bay this summer I was confronted by a huge ship moving up the channel. You can imagine my horror when I realized I had only 1 hour and 45 minutes or so before the lumbering behemoth was sure to pass through my area. With no place to hide and only a water jet propelled small craft beneath me for transport, I quickly withdrew my Kindle Fire from the storage compartment beneath my seat and preceded to read the book How To Avoid Huge Ships. One hour later and with only 45 minutes to spare, I implemented the expert advice provided by the author and turned my jet ski in the opposite direction of the huge ship to avoid certain disaster.
  • tamara elrod - Finally something that works!I have had cols sores on and off for 10 years.They get real ugly and painful with blisters real fast.I have used several OTC products for years and even a prescription product that didn't work.I received a FREE trial of Orajel Cold Sore form Smiley360 and man am I a happy camper.It worked in just 2 days.My blisters were gone and it had stopped itching.I am so thankful and grateful.
  • Angie - Great read...This is a great read and even though there are more books coming out in this series from Maya Banks, this is a complete story and that is a huge benefit!! At least for me, don't really like to be left hanging for long and I believe the next book is not due out for a few more months. I will be purchasing them as well, such a hot book! I love Maya Banks' books anyway and this one takes the cake for sure!!!
  • Suzanne4Amazon - Only thing that works with minimal side effectsMost drs have recommended miralax, fibercon, dulcolax, etc. but I find that they give me bloating, gas, and inconsistent small bowel movements all day long....ugh.
    I went back to Colon Cleanse. Healthy, normal bm's. No cramping or gas. Sidenote: It does stain the colon (I had a colon scope procedure done), but it is not harmful, per the dr.