
Neuroimaging Center, NIC, University Medical Center Groningen (UMCG), RuG, Graduate School of Behavioral and Cognitive Neurosciences (BCN). - The NIC is a joint effort of the University Medical Center Groningen (UMCG) and the (RuG) and is part of the Graduate School of Behavioral and Cognitive Neurosciences (BCN).

Country: Europe, NL, Netherlands

  • Cali Critic - Follow the method--it really helpsThe great thing about this book and the whole Gokhale method is that she derives it from the way people were meant to stand, sit, and walk. I do not suffer from back pain, but I have poor posture and wanted to look and feel better. Within a couple of weeks, by following the pictures and directions, I was standing and walking like a different person. I should have done this 20 years ago!
  • Tom N - Great computer replacement for non-techies?I own multiple tablets (iPad 1st gen, Kindle Fire 1st gen, BlackBerry Playbook). This is the best so far.

    It's mostly the fact that all Android apps just work on it, but it's more. The tablet comes with so many standard devices that phones do, that stuff just works. For example, a GPS for Google Maps a mic for voice input, etc.


    1. Get the keyboard. It completely changes this device's uses.

    2. Turn off the trackpad. It's too sensitive when typing. Ideally, someone could just turn off trackpad clicks, but that feature doesn't exist... so just turn off the trackpad and touch the screen.

    3. Combine with a 4G wifi hotspot device and this thing goes anywhere.

    4. Install the Puffin browser for speedy internet access. It's a little buggy sometimes, but the speed is worth it.
  • Tiffany Cable - true but......yes john kennedy was not perfect ( look at all the womanizing) or as healthy as we were led to believe but he wasn't as "bad" as the book makes out. the only gripe i have with this book is that since it did what it's title implied, show the dark side of camelot, it's not a very balanced account. hersh puts the absolute worst possible spin on everything that happened in the administration. I'd recomend the book an unfinished life for a more even handed account
  • pebblepuppy - A must read!The Perfume Collector by Kathleen Tessaro
    This book was beautifully written and has such an intriguing storyline. The connection between our sense of smell and triggered memories is powerfully illustrated. The author's detailed description of the characters, places and scents seduces the reader into turning each and every page to the end. A must read for women.
  • Ray Shane - Fantastic!I can sum up the theme of this excellent work in just three words: STEER AROUND THEM. However, that should not dissuade you from delving into the great detail that Capt. Trimmer goes into in his exhaustive explanations and meticulous diagrams on exactly how to avoid huge ships under any circumstances.