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  • Unknown - Love my KindleThis is my second Kindle. Hard to go back to a traditional book (except cookbooks). Love the backlighting (can read in the dark), adjustable screen color - ecru background easier on my eyes, adjustable print size, turn pages with a finger flip. Read from it while exercising on treadmill and stationary bike. Love it.
  • berryboy - AmazingThis product is amazing. I am a sufferer of cold sores for almost 18 years. In my early years I had no idea (neither did my parents) how to treat a cold sore. Consequently I would suffer for weeks at a time with pain and worst of all, embarrassment. All through high school, into college, and now as an adult they have been a tremendous source of shame. Although most of you know this is a virus that lays dormant in most of us, but for the lucky few it decides to pop up in times of stress or when we run our immune system down.

    I have used every other medication known to man. The one I used the most would have to be abreva. Although I had relative success with this product it by no means was a solution to this dilemma. Last night I felt a cold sore coming for the first time in almost 1 year. I used to get them monthly but in the last year have learned how to manage them and ensure that no cold sores would pop up. Due to unexpected events in my life recently I have been under a tremendous amount of stress. So last night I felt that dreaded tingle in my upper lip. I ran to the local grocery store to buy abreva and saw the orajel single dose. I decided to take a chance.

    The cold sore was just starting. So I'm sure catching it early (as it did with other meds)increases your chances of curing it quickly. I used all the medication as suggested and aggressively applied the medication. Rubbing it on the cold sore almost to the point of discomfort. It gave me immediate relief. I woke up this morning and it;s completely gone. This product is a god send. I have never in my 18 years of dealing with cold sores experienced a cold sore relief product like the orajel. It's truly a wonderful product. To all those naysayers, you must catch it early (have this stuff on hand), you must aggressively treat it (rub the product pretty hard on the sore), and use all the medication given to you for the single dose.