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  • susan baker - I'd Love to Live in MitfordI'm reading the Mitford series of books for the second time - this time to a group of residents at my parents' assisted living facility. They are enthralled with Father Tim and his wonderful friends in the little town of Mitford. Jan Karon is a master at bringing small town America alive with colorful characters and her ability to turn every day life in this village into the most heart warming story.
  • aenima49 "aenima49" - We chose this over a tablet for our childOur kids previously were playing with our old iPhone 3Gs that we set restrictions for & let them play games on. When I accidentally ran my son's through the washing machine, we were deciding whether to get him a LeapPad for Christmas, or just get an inexpensive tablet with a heavy duty case. I'm glad we got the LeapPad.

    -Lots of fun, educational apps available
    -No internet access, child can't make purchases
    -You can set your child's skill level/age, games are labeled with the suggested age and they seem to be accurate.
    -Very intuitive and easy for a child to navigate and use.
    -Stylus is attached by a string so it can't be lost.
    -Camera & video camera are fun for the child
    -Leapfrog connect allows you to purchase apps, books etc, download and immediately use
    -You can actually view how long your child played each game, what scores they are getting, and how they have improved in different skill areas.
    -MP3 player app allows you to use this as an MP3 player
    -Front and rear cameras
    -Photos, videos, drawings and storybooks are uploaded via leapfrog connect and can be shared from there.

    -The cost of the apps add up very quickly. If you buy the cartridges, at least they have some resale value, but then your child has to keep track of all of them, and can't play the game without the cartridge.
    -Doesn't come with the charger pack, which adds a lot to the cost of the unit. It should be included. Without it, you will go through 8zillion batteries.
    -Parent can't set an upper volume limit. The thing gets LOUD.
    -Mp3 player is a paid app
    -LeapPad2 Didn't come with the story book app, but the "story book" section is in the my stuff area, and kept telling my son he didn't have any, and to use the app to make them. So, we ended up buying the app.
    -LeapPad constantly references "tokens" which is something they don't do anymore, and a 3-year old doesn't understand why the thing keeps talking about them
    -It tells him to connect to the computer repeatedly.
    -The leapfrog connect interface is very slow and freezes a lot
    -Play isn't saved when you play under the "guest" user, and I haven't found a way to remove that so the child doesn't play under guest & get upset that their stuff isn't saved.
    -We've only had this since Christmas and have already had issues with it not turning off. I'm not sure if it is a problem with the charger pack or the leap pad, but it makes me nervous to think about how much $ is sunk in this thing.
    -There are lots of good apps, but it's still somewhat limited. My son really wants a Curious George game.
    -Camera is pretty poor quality. Most likely your child will take 10,000 pictures of random things, but in the event that they take a nice one, it would be great to be able to print it.
  • David C. Drury - Never disappointed since 1957 when I was five years old.I started reading my brothers Gun Digest when I was five years old. It was the one with the Volcanic lever action pistol on the cover. That one book hooked me on reading, history, and guns. I love my Gun Digests. It is a tradition for me to give my Father- in- law my prior years book as a Christmas present. He is never disappointed.
  • Jon Keel - A Must Read For Any Person Desiring True SuccessTodd's newest book grabbed my attention from the first chapter. "...what we both know and fear to be true: we have only a certain amount of time available to us, and how we choose to spend our days is significant." Personally, for many years I was "busy being successful", or what I believed success to be. Oops!

    Die Empty lays out a roadmap to true "life success". No one wants to end having had a mediocre life, but for many it just happens. Todd challenges the reader to take a different course, to get "engaged" not only in their work but in their life.
  • D. G. Murray "frosty" - POWER for your kitchenI got this product because of another reviewer, David H. Henderson, this thing is powerful and Is easy to operate.
    It is much easier to clean than any other blender or drink mixer I have ever had. It stays naturally clean and it is easy to clean the cups and blades. It really grinds up the stuff. AS David said, read the directions, they are very simple, DON'T overfill it.
    The drinks are tasty and powerful hunger-stoppers. Two of the shakes made me feel very full all day and did not care for any in between snacks. Ate a normal dinner and did not overeat.
    The next day, I still wasn't hungry. What a deal!
    Hope you enjoy this product.