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  • Claude Medeot - AutoCad LT 2011Total new experience for me - but with the incorporated tutorials the understanding of product was made easier. However, there's a lot to learn so a course or a tutorial with a person would be the best way to master this program. AutoCad LT itself is brilliant making architectural work more fun and a pleasure; variation to plans are easy and actually makes you more creative by looking to achieve the best by being aware of all the hidden details and not being hindered by making those changes. With AutoCad Lt it's all cerebral; you achieve maximum results in less time with a couple of clicks.
    Since I didn't have AutoCad before I cannot compare it to previous releases.
    But as a first time user it does what I want it to do for me; everything I did manually before - create and control plans and keep it all organised and easy to access.
    Probably in the near future, when I fully understand the programme, I'll be more critical - but for now Yureka.
  • Barbara J. Abston - Prefer Align over other BrandsMy doctor recommended a Probiotic supplement. When I pressed him for a brand name after taking several different ones, he finally said "Align". Since no probiotic is cheap I figured I'd get what the dr. considered to be preferable.
  • Coffeeman - Very InformativeAnn Coulter reminds the reader of the past and how certain behaviors came to be part of American culture. She also reminds the readers of what occured during the 60's and up to the present. The rotten apple that we were fed by the media and our goverment officals and some of the "ill-responible" black leaders. If the book is incorrect and MS. Coulter has fabricated the facts let those she indicated in this book stand up and answer the questions! This is my first Ann Coulter book and it will not be my last. Good reading!!!!!
  • Danny G "Dan" - The most involving Floyd AlbumLike most Pink Floyd albums "The Wall" demands patience and concentration from the listener to give it's full effect. This album is very much a Roger Waters work from start to finish and rightly so because in my opinion it's his, and Pink Floyds best work ever! If you have never listened to any Floyd before and simply jump in on any given track you might wonder what all the fuss is about! Like previous Floyd work The Wall uses sound effects such as planes, voices, babies and bombs as backing. This is not an album you can put on as some light backing music but one you have to listen to and if you do you will hopefully see why this is one of the best selling records of all time.

    At the end of the day it's all down to the material. The wall not only features some of the best lyrics ever written but also the best music, all put together with the effects mentioned before to tell the story of Pink from losing his father (killed in action in World War 11)to being drugged as a rock star to ensure the Show Must Go On (Waters on the Animal Tour) The title refers to the barriers we all put up to protect ourselfs from others and the descent into madness if taken too far. For a perfect visual of all this watch The Wall DVD !!

    Sometimes you can't explain why certain music is good. This album however benefits from Dave Gilmore the guitarist being the perfect foil for Waters mad rantings. The sheer feel and emotion in his playing gives the songs even more impact and prove that sometimes 1 + 1 = 10 ! All I can say is that in 30 years of listening to some great music from the likes of the Beatles, The Stones, Van Halen, The Beach Boys, Oasis and newer bands like the Libertines and Kings of Leon etc, this is still the best thing I have heard.