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  • Katie - Insightful analysis and a pleasure to readThis book is a delight to read. Oster's research is incredibly rigorous and clearly articulated. Just as I found myself asking "But what about X..." Oster addressed my question in the next paragraph. Plus, her writing style is warm, funny, and easy to read.

    To any reviewers who have posted negative comments without actually reading the book, I urge you to have an open mind and give it a try. Accurate information is rarely the enemy. Understanding what activities do and do not risk harming a developing fetus is an important goal that many share, and Oster's research takes us many steps closer.
  • - My thanks to Jan Karon for her wonderful book.As an individual who grew up in a rural town of 6,000 people I found this book to be a trip back in time. It was thoroughly enjoyable and a great start in the Life in Mitford book series. Don't read this book if you're looking for doom and gloom. It's not a glamorous read for those looking for pimps, hookers, drug dealers and more doses of depression. Filled with colorful and eccentric characters that heaven forbid ... sometimes pray!!Now residing in a metropolitan area, I enjoyed the opportunity to escape the moment and venture back twenty years. I would suggest to those of you who think Life In Mitford is pure fiction that you pack your bags and drive around the back roads of this country. There are some beautiful small towns with beautiful and kind people.Thanks Jan Karon, I'm looking forward to your next book.