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Diabetes In Control. A free weekly diabetes newsletter for Medical Professionals - Diabetes In Control is a free weekly diabetes newsletter dedicated to helping medical professionals in diabetes care better help their diabetes patients.


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  • Rip Rowan - Profound and EffectiveAfter more than ten years of struggling as an artistic enabler of other people's dreams, I encountered Hal Karp. Hal had recently left his day job as a struggling (and somewhat miserable) waitperson to write as a staff writer for the Reader's Digest, a lifelong pursuit.

    When I asked Hal what he had done to overcome the obstacles and achieve his goals, he looked me dead in the eye and said, "If you're serious about change, get The Artist's Way and do what it says. It changed my life."

    I took Hal's advice, and formed a small group to work through the chapters of the book. I did most of the exercises, and wrote my Morning Pages. By the end of the book, I had truly swallowed some rather large chunks of truth about myself and the true spiritual nature of creativity.

    And, in the process, almost without realizing it, I wrote my first full-length instrumental CD, "Rhythm/Pleasure". That CD has been in the Amazon Top 50 for both indie Jazz and Dance / DJ for several months as of the time of this writing, and is a shining tribute to the power of the message of Julia Cameron's work and spiritual philosophy. I could not have done it without her and I have chosen to credit her in the liner notes of that CD.

    As it turns out, we are created in God's own image - not physically, but spiritually. We have creativity in common with God: a spiritual need to create something outside of ourselves which we love not for the pride of having created it, but simply for the beauty of the thing itself.

    But don't take it from me. Read The Artist's Way, and discover it for yourself.
  • zrer10 "zrer10" - RevolutionaryMicrosoft's Windows 8 is a truly revolutionary system. First let me state, that I am reviewing the Pro version as it comes on the surface. Microsoft's Windows 8 has a quick and easy setup where within the setup you can configure your wireless router, facebook, windows live, and email. I have 2 email addresses, live, and facebook. Once you have it configured, that's it. The windows start screen now works as a dashboard where all of things are automatically updated. From then on when you log on you don't have to check all of your emails, your social networks, the news and the weather. Its all right there on your start screen. Windows keeps you informed of any new messages or emails as you are doing other tasks. The app interface is really sweet if you are using it as a tablet. You can snap Netflix to watch a movie on the left and surf, facebook, play spades, whatever on the other side. The desktop is still available for traditional apps like visual studio, word, excel, sim city, and all of the applications from windows 7. Another neat feature is being able to make a visual password where you can set the password as a set of swipe or presses on the screen. This can make logging onto your system a lot easier when you are at starbucks using your computer as tablet. Another great feature of windows 8 is its integration with skydrive. This allows you to save your documents "in the cloud" so that you can easily view the same documents on your phone or another computer or device.
    Windows 8 is not for everybody and I would not recommend upgrading if your perfectly content with windows 7 and have no desire to try something new. Windows 8 has new ways of doing things. For instance, most the apps do not have menus. Instead you have charms that you access on the sides where you change your options. I personally found this easy to use but sometimes I would forget and have to remember to do this. But within these charms there is additional functionality that most apps (especially Microsoft) expose. For instance if you took a picture and you want to share it you can use the share charm to email or post it on a social networking site. No reason to log into facebook, press share a picture, and browse for the picture on your hard drive. Its just right there. Most apps expose this functionality, like IE, OneNote, and Adobe. This is also how you can print or setup an external monitor. Which by the way is huge plus if your using your computer as a tablet which you just cant do with an ipad or kindle. Another thing ha I should mention is that surprisingly I immediately able to print and "whale" (a type if vpn) into my workplace using windows 8. I have never had this luck with an os change before.
    All I all, I don't think that I have ever had a better experience with OS.
  • __e1r__ - Here is a PRODUCT review, not a company review.Hi, I have used Proactive for a week now, and my acne has faded very much. I am very excited to see what my results are after I run out.

    Now, some people say this made there acne worse, due to there skin drying, but this never happened to me. Even if it does happen to you, they include a moisturizer, so, no problems!

    Highly recommended!
  • Donald L. Allison, Jr. - Make sure you get what you need!I bought the download version thinking it was like all the Deluxe versions I'd seen in the stores and included Federal, State, and efile, especially since it was the only Deluxe version I found on Amazon. The price had gone up $2 since I first looked at it a couple of hours earlier, and it stayed at $27 for the next couple of days, so I went ahead and bought it. It was only a day or two later that Amazon dropped the price to $17, and while it was frustrating, at least I had my tax software for the year...only I didn't!! I looked at the deal of the day today and saw that they had SEVERAL versions of the Deluxe software--some for Mac, some for PC, and some with and WITHOUT the State package!! Sure enough, I had gotten the one without the State package--so I had to end up buying it AGAIN, this time with the State software as well (it was cheaper than paying H&R Block $37 for the State program). At least it was "only" another $20. So I paid $47 to Amazon for software I could have gotten in the store for $36. I am VERY unhappy with the way Amazon incorrectly advertised this and randomly changed prices without giving me any recourse! Be aware...make SURE you get the right package, and read the fine print in the description to be sure you get what you think you are getting!!! (Actually even the fine print doesn't help, because the comparison chart in the description PLAINLY says that the Deluxe version includes one state's package as well--even though this version of the Deluxe software does NOT.)

    As far as the software itself goes, I just installed it and need to wait til I get all my tax documents before I can complete the return, so I don't have much experience with it currently--but it installed easily, and if it's anything like last year's package, it should be easy to use and get the job done.

    Ratings wise, I give the software a tentative 5 stars...and I give Amazon 0 stars!!!
  • Harriet Klausner - great ancient biblical romantic thrillerIn the third year of the reign of King Artaxerxes of Persia, seven years old Sarah's mom died. Her dad Simeon ignores his grieving daughter. To get the attention of her father, a royal scribe at the Persian court, Sarah teaches herself to read and write. Five months of hard labor proves fruitful when Simeon realizes what his child can do. He mentors her while she shows tremendous proclivity towards several languages.

    Her cousin Nehemiah the Cupbearer to King Artaxerxes notices Sarah's talent. He recommends her as a scribe to Queen Damaspia. Sarah quickly becomes the queen's chief scribe. When Sarah prevents a conspiracy to destroy the queen, Damaspia rewards her with a marriage to Lord Darius. Sarah tries to stop the wedding, but fails to do so and is unprepared when she exchanges vows with her husband. Her behavior leaves her in disfavor as the royals, her spouse, her father and others accuse her of insulting the Queen and Darius. Forced to remain behind in her husband's palace while he travels, Sarah learns that Darius' steward Teispes is stealing. She seeks proof while her adversary seeks to stop her anyway possible.

    The latest Tessa Agshar's ancient biblical romantic thriller (see Pearl in the Sand) is a great saga that takes place in a vividly described Persia not long after the reign of Xerxes and Esther of Purim fame in which assimilation has occurred although Jerusalem is being rebuilt. Sarah is a tremendous protagonist as she learns her self-worth is more than just being a scribe and that God did not abandon her when the Lord took her mom away, but her lessons learned may be too late for her marriage and even her life.

    Harriet Klausner