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  • B. F. Diggins Jr. - Quicken Deluxe 2011 Financial SoftwareI purchased this product as an upgrade to the Quicken 2006 version. Since I primarily use the product as an electronic tracking/reconciling tool for my household income and expenses, most of the extensive banking and investing features are not utilized. However, I have found that the 2011 update includes a revised check entry and saving features that is more efficient than the earlier version.

    The 2011 version also includes more graphical displays for monthly financial data that quickly enhance your awareness of where your expenditures (as a percentage of the total amount) occurred. The revised hardcopy prints complement the archival process of your financial records.
  • L. Fulton "avid reader" - Help, finally!This book has been a lifesaver for me! After 7 years of suffering from a myriad of symptoms, going from doctor to doctor, with no resolution to my problems, I finally got some relief after reading this book. Little did I know, all my symptoms were related to one root cause: systemic candidiasis. After doing some research on the internet, I was led to this book. I had seen several recommendations for it, and excellent reviews. This book will help you to confirm what is happening in your body, and give specific steps you can take to start treating yourself to feel better. I have been putting Dr. Crook's suggestions into practice for a little over a month now and I feel so much better! So far, I have only been able to use homeopathic remedies - no prescription drugs - and have noted a marked improvement in my general health and well-being. I highly recommend this book to anyone who suspects they have a systemic yeast infection.
  • Andres900 - Expanding the boundaries of human intellectTalk about mind expansion! Is it just me, or do others also feel more intelligent after reading Sam Harris' writing? Challenging and boldly expanding the boundaries of our intellect, The Moral Landscape not only questions religion's previously unquestionable (at the risk of humiliation, prejudice, torture, and even death) monopoly on human morality, but also explains, with unparalleled clarity, how science and our own brains are capable of providing stronger, more reliable, more beneficial, and more objective answers to our profound moral questions. I can't help but recall the numerous times I have been asked (albeit with wholly reasonable justification) by individuals of various religions and non-religions, "where oh where will we humans derive our moral compass if not from religion?" Finally, a wonderful answer to such a critical dilemma. Reading Mr. Harris' magnificently thought-provoking argument truly makes me feel as a witness to the living and breathing progression of human intelligence. I'm glad to be around to see this. I'll put my bottom-line opinion very simply, if you have ever caught yourself wondering about the direction of the human race, or if you have ever found yourself caring at all about our place in the history of the world, read this book.
  • Amber Gilles - My most used deviceI was not planning on buying this product, after seeing the specs with the amazon kindle fire hd I was actually planning on buying that. Better screen, cheaper, etc. after I went to best buy and actually played around with the fire, I hated it. It was bulky and seemed old, you couldn't even take pictures on it! Later, I was at the apple store with my sister while she got her iPhone 5 fixed, and I picked up the mini for the first time. Not only does it feel much more classy and expensive, it was thinner, lighter, and had a perfect screen size. The keyboard is so easy to type on, I'm actually using it right now. When I am using it in public I get a lot of comments because some people haven't seen it yet! When I use iPads they seem so bulky now, I love that the mini uses more screen size on the front and doesn't waste space like the full size ipad! I use the mini basically every moment of the day unless I'm working or with friends. At school, I took notes on it and I am excited to save money on text books next year, the ebooks are cheap and look great! Everyone complains about the screen resolution, but honestly I can't tell the difference, I think it looks the same as my retina I touch. I've never been more happy with a purchase. Tumblr is flawless on this device and so is Netflix! I would definitely recommend this over a full size ipad, save yourself some cash!