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  • Niki Chambers - These pens write beautifully on envelopes!I suppose it started last year. My boyfriend at the time would come and stay over, 2,3 nights a week. Our love making always seemed so deep and meaningful, we often wept together during. Undulated joy is how I often described it to my therapist the following afternoons. Sometimes my lover would enter me while I was standing, slightly bent over, with his fingers. He had long tender fingers that felt like fleshy probing rods inside of my private, slippery little sand balloons.

    After he died while his cheating ass was being choked out -autoerotic asphyxia-by his male lover - now in prison/accepting pen pals - I felt a huge, gaping hole where his privates, my privates/his digits/my mouth, had intersected so incessantly before all that nasty death hollabalub.

    I purchased these pens on a cynic's whim. I don't want to get into a detailed description of what I have been doing with them.....suffice it to say, I've been spending a helluva lot of money on stamps lately.
  • A lawyer from Berkeley - Zeno worked on all my acne, cystic as well as whiteheadsI have been treated for acne for twenty years. I have gone through two accutane treatments (six months or so each) and have used oral and topical antibiotics as well as Retin-A and Tazorac for the last twenty years. Although all of the products have helped, Zeno is one of the best products I have encountered. It is the only one that works immediately and completely. Acne sufferers everywhere should buy Zeno immediately. Zeno should also be purchased by any person who has an upcoming event (wedding, performance, trial, etc.) where they cannot have pimple: I had a six-pimple break-out last week that included cystic pimples and whiteheads (which your product disclaims the ability to fix). In the morning, following one application of Zeno (the whole thing took less than twenty minutes), they were all gone.