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  • Miss Darcy - A whacky, enjoyable story with truly tender & touching momentsI chose this for my daughter but decided to read it first, and I'm really glad I did. Parents, why not take a few hours to check in with what your kids are reading?

    The story is whacky in a way that kids will truly enjoy. I wish I had this type of imagination (or access to it, if it's just been buried by too many years of adulthood). A squirrel ends up with superpowers after being sucked into a vacuum. But guess what? His superpower is his ability to recognize all that is good and beautiful in our day-to-day lives and then write poems about it. (OK, so he can also ward off evil cats.) And his "sidekick" is a girl with recently divorced parents who describes herself as a cynic but it's really only because she's afraid to be let down if she hopes. I'm not 100% sure that kids will "get" all of the psychology in this book, but they can enjoy the story on one level for now and perhaps relate even more strongly to it later.

    Without giving too much of the plot away, may I say that as a mom I was not very happy initially to see the level of discord (and I'm putting it mildly) between the mother and the daughter, but the truth is, moms (and dads!) do make poor choices sometimes as we try to make things "normal" and do what we feel is right for our kids. The end of the book is really about how families need to learn to recognize what we each need and accept who we each are. And as the final poem shows, that can be a very beautiful thing.

    I really loved the creative language and the layers of depth in this fun story. Absolutely pick it up to share with your kids.
  • S. Yates - It Works and I Feel GreatPoor eating habits or just bad luck left my stomach such a mess. I had to planned my entire day around visiting the bathroom. Then my doctor recommended, the Edison Award winner, Align Probiotic. Within the first few weeks my stomach settled down and I became - regular. It feels so good not to have to worry when my stomach starts to rebel. It worked for me!
  • Don Tadixz "thunda downunda" - Made the change and glad I did!Replaced my expired McAfee subscription with Norton Internet Security 2012 and am pleased as punch. Scans are quick and first time around found items McAfee had missed. It appears not to be a resource hog and updates it self quietly in the background. I had previously gone off Norton as it had become bloat ware but the continually great reviews for this product in PC Magazines and akeen price point persuade me to give it a try and I'm glad I did...