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  • M. Le "M.le" - Must have itemGreat light weight stroller. I love the canopy your baby with get the shading that he needs. Smooth ride. Easy to folding and storing as well as easy to pop open and your ready to go! The britax baby seat seat is a must have so easy to put baby in the stroller in seconds. Wheels are great they turn easily . I looked at city mini stroller and I preferred b-agile the material just seemed like better quality
  • A. Rosen - UC sufferer - SCD is AMAZINGI was diagnosed with UC a year and a half ago. Despite taking 4 Lialda pills a day, a had several flare ups, the latest coming a month before my wedding. I immediately went on prednisone, which had worked in the past, but this time it did not. I was so terrified that my wedding and honeymoon would be ruined, I was SO frustrated with this disease. Then, after looking online, I started learning about the specific carbohydrate diet (SCD) and figured I had nothing to lose. It took about 2 weeks to REALLY notice a difference, but it happened, and it was remarkable. I feel SO much better. I stuck to the diet through my wedding and honeymoon (only cheated to try my wedding cake :), i mean come on...) and I do not think I will ever go off it. After a month and a half, my flare up is gone (no thanks to steroids) and I can tell I am getting healthier. Trying SCD yogurt tonight! To anyone suffering, PLEASE try this. It may just change your life.