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  • LibStaff2 - Urban YA DystopiaGreat new YA dystopia novel! Okay, yes, this book is similar to "The Hunger Games." But considering all the dystopian society works of late, why not be comparable to probably the best of its genre? The characters are interesting and the themes are thought-provoking. I do appreciate that the MC's love interest is not perfect, and the author approaches the end of the book (which obviously will have a sequel) without sacrificing the flow of the writing and making sure it doesn't feel forced. The settings are more city-based/urban than many novels of this market. What makes this book worth reading is simply that, even though it follows the YA dystopia formula, the characters and storyline are as original as any reader could ask. Recommended for fans of all YA dystopias, especially "The Hunger Games," "Divergent," and "Partials."

    Net Galley Feedback
    [book:The Testing|13326831]
    [author:Joelle Charbonneau|4027380]
  • Penelope - Yet another rave review for this bookI thought I should add my voice to the chorus of people who have been helped tremendously by the ideas in this book. I have ulcerative colitis which has become progressively worse over the years, helped along by an increase in the stress of the jobs I was taking on. I was getting sick for months at a time, multiple times a year, and felt so tired, in pain, and had such a foggy mind - not to mention the frequent, painful trips to the toilet.

    After a scare this year, being threatened with either losing my colon sometime soon, or going on to much higher-risk medication, I have been implementing the principles underlying this diet whilst sticking to my old lower-risk medication (Pentasa). I haven't even been following the diet rigidly, but I've been totally well for 6 months now and can function effectively in my work. All I've done is cut out all lactose and most starchy carbohydrates, and cut down on sugars. I don't have a constant desire to lie down and sleep, and I would say I now have fewer GI problems than a healthy person. My gastroenterologist is very happy with the results, having recently done a colonoscopy on me that found that my colon is now perfectly fine. She is now reading the book herself, as she's heard quite a few recommendations from her patients.

    This diet may not work for everyone but if you have a choice between scary possibilities (high-risk medication, extreme surgery, eventual bowel cancer) or a little self-restraint and denial (avoiding some foods you might like), then the choice to me is clear. Everyone with these sorts of problems should at least TRY the ideas in this book, down to the letter, for at least a month, and see how they go.

    Update 18 June 2010: Still healthy and symptom free 1.5 years later... that is amazing considering my previous history of getting sick at least once every 3 months. :)