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  • MD NYC - Still one of a kindThis very interesting book on sex was viciously flamed when it first came out. It's been called disorganized, "man-splaining," "science-fail," and worse. The New York Times Book Review unfortunately assigned it not to a sex writer but to a culture critic, who called it a "farrago."

    It's none of those things. It's a very creative, cleverly written, tightly argued book on sex differences, erotic cues, and the authors' massive dataset concerning sex searches and other offerings on the web that are countable and categorizable. True, the book has real weaknesses -- the one that bothered me most was its liberal crossing of species lines in search of analogies for human behavior. Its "biologizing" becomes irritating after awhile. I would have preferred if the authors stuck to their data rather than jumping into purely biological explanations for everything. This was distracting to me, and I think needlessly alienated lots of readers.

    Its Chapter 11, however, is alone worth the trip. I wonder how many of the book's critics actually made it to Chapter 11 -- or really paid attention to the book's argument on the way to Chapter 11.

    Fortunately, the book is beginning to attract more reasoned attention. Now that it's finally in paperback, let's hope the book now starts to generate more intelligent discussion. Especially since the mass popularity of Fifty Shades of Grey is confirming some of the authors' ideas about desire.
  • devon travis - great!!!!!!Great!! love how i feel and a slow process fat burner which seems healthier wish the pills werent so large but i'll manage.