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  • Marlin McElwain "Marlin" - DHEA is wonderful -- if you really need it!!!DHEA is a miraculous supplement but only if you truly need it. It works indirectly by boosting your body's own production of hormones -- but only if you are low in something. It could be considered more of an hormone equalizer than actual booster -- it will bring you back up to 20something year old levels if you are low. My testosterone was low but not enough for the doctor to put me on injections so 9 months ago I started looking for a natural solution from my fatigue and general bad moodiness. I have not had one headache or any sickness, sleep is better and my mood has improved drastically. I have more energy for workouts (actually looking forward to them again) and I've trimmed about 8 pounds while adding a lot of lean muscle mass. I can't say enough about this awesome supplement but it may only help you if you are already deficient in testosterone, which I definitely was when I started. It has to build up in your system so I didn't get the full effect for about 4 weeks. I take high doses but only because my system handles it - about 100mg per day - but everyone is different so if you try it, start slow around 25mg per day and ramp up from there, if needed. It does not work like a drug -- it simply boosts your natural hormone production. I am sure that some folks who try it get some negative effects, hence the negative reviews. Think of it in terms of if you were to start taking testosterone or estrogen directly, would it cause break outs or headaches or trouble sleeping or other bad effects? It seems to me that it wouldn't hurt to try (at least two weeks) and if it doesn't work or you get any negative effects, just stop taking it and you will return back to normal very quickly.
  • kshek1 - Works great!!I may not be a power user, but I received my TF201 Transformer Prime 3 days ago and I absolutely love it! Before I ordered my Prime i read just about every review, while there were plenty on both sides the reviews along with my own independent research made me a believer over iPad and i am glad I did and am confident I made the right choice.

    Don't let the negative reviews sway you, but do your research and get the tablet that's the best fit for you. If your a Windows, Apple, Droid user learning a new Operating System might prove difficult. I am a traditional Windows user, but the leap to Droid wasn't that big of a leap at all.

    I am preparing this review on my tablet.

    I have also read many reviews saying there aren't many Apps for this tablet, from what i have found, there are thousands.

    In closing I like the new ICS operating system and like the tablet overall.
  • Allen - Great product to downloadI had previously bought the 2012 version and did all my health planning/will/burial/other forms. No disc to loose if i need to reinstall it just log into your amazon account and it's there...Just wanted to get an updated version due to changes and to install on my new windows 8 PC. This new 2013 version has all the same forms and more BUT updated. This product is soooo easy to use and saved me a lot of money as I could do it myself . . .no attorney! It has both federal & state forms along with lots of forms for other uses as you go through life. I don't feel it's for complicated wills or trusts (especially if wealthy) but for regular people who may have a home or not and have no troubling family or financial issues.
  • Kozzie - Blown Away By this BookThis book revolutionised my entire experience of life. It showed me that my conventional ideas about posture were completely misguided. Some of the things I learnt from this book in only just a few days

    - how to walk properly so I am comfortable, relaxed and get no knee pain

    - I removed the constant tension in my shoulders and learnt how to sit for hours fully relaxed and without discomfort (so I can study/work for longer). The tension in my shoulders was leading me to constantly feel fatigued especially on waking in the morning.

    - how to reset my body into it's natural position during sleep to heal and prevent current recurring injuries I've had for the last decade (I previously thought they were basketball related)

    - how to breathe into my chest properly so that each breath stretches my chest and shoulders. This helped hugely for relaxation, fatigue and stress

    - where I needed to work on to finally be able to do a full body squat to the ground. I'd been searching on the answer to this for weeks.

    Oh and no more back pain ;)