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  • Kittyintraining - Best Advice EverI've read "He's just not that in to you","Think like a man" and "Manology"by Tyrese and Rev Run, I have to say I absolutely loved this book. I saw clear signs of where I was going wrong in my relationships. I have to say I was in denial about a lot. Thanks Kara for taking my blinders off! Ultimately this info is empowering as well as life changing. Think about it if every woman used this advice we would have less dead beat dads n losers in this world as well as orphan children n unplanned children. We really could "Rule the World." They would be more gentleman and more appreciation for women. I advise every woman to read this book. I dont have any children but I will definitely be passing this info on to my daughters.
  • Gerald - ABSOLUTELY FACINATINGThis is a facinating subject and this book covers it well. Google searches can bring up a lot of supporting information. Personally I was in a wheelchair from arthritis and could barely walk. I don't believe in snake oil treatments but I tried this and in a couple of weeks I was walking again. I've sent copies of the book to friends or loaned my copy to those that live locally. Even sent a copy to a doctor in the Philippines.
  • Julie - Britax Roundabout car seatSuper car seat. Built well & offers a cushioned, comfortable & safe seat for a toddler. It isn't Britax's top of the line (that my grandson's parents each have in their vehicles) but it is nonetheless a great seat & my grandson is secure & happy in it. That's what a grandparent, comfort, and a good price all in one seat.

  • Jackie - Great little grill, I'd purchase the same againBought this grill at the local home improvement store. My husband worked at Home Depot for several years and wanted an infrared grill because he thinks they are the best. The assembly was a little tough, it took both of us about an hour. But now we have had the grill for 2 whole years so an hour's worth of assembly is no big deal. Grease does tend to accumulate on the grill, so sometimes we haul it out to the alley and degrease it. If you take out the heating element part (it is removable) you can just clean it and spray the grill down with a hose. Still works like a charm and gets really hot. Lots faster and cheaper than similar charcoal or gas grills. Good grill for an apartment or for a small family, maybe 3 or 4 people.

    UPDATE: 3 years later the grill is still going strong.
  • Matthew Hess "If you can return it, buy it. U... - Not a gallon of gay... just good old fashioned red cap awesomenessDon't let the name throw you... this isn't a gay Sean Penn liquified and bottled. It's just plain old sweet bovine nectar.

    Blue cap...? Crap!! Yellow cap...? Crap! Anything but whole, red cap milk...? CRAP!!!

    Pour it on cereal and... MAGIC!!! The cereal becomes awesome.
    Eat a chocolate chip cookie (Soft Batch or Entenmann's) followed by a mouthful of milk and... MAGIC!!! The cookie/milk combo becomes what God intended... AWESOME!!!

    I'm still waiting for some noticeable difference in my physique from the growth hormones... especially after the "... it does a body good" ad campaign.

    The only thing that could make this less than awesome is when the container doesn't have a screw cap, but one of those pop off caps. If you pull it out of the fridge at the wrong angle it might catch on something, pop off and you face the risk of spilling the milk.

    I have yet to buy this online and have it shipped... I just don't have that kind of patience. That and a paralyzing fear of drinking a tall warm glass of botulism.

    Milk = AWESOME!!!