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  • Jerilyn Floyd - Great plotThis story has many twists and turns, which kept me reading until I finished. The wife is so conniving and manipulative, her husband seems like putty in her hands. He is no slouch, though, and they learn so much more about each other in their move to his home town. Hope this story is all fiction!
  • E. Gatch - One a dayI have celiac disease. Not only do I now eat gluten free, but I take one align tablet a day to keep my immune system in check.
  • Pentacone - TS2013 - The Complete Story!!Train Simulator 2013 (PC DVD) (UK IMPORT)

    (My Review from

    Dear Fans,

    Please Read the Three Reviews already Written - They are All Important to Understand "What the Hell is Going On?"

    The New TS2013 was Released on 19th Sept 2012, and was an "Automatic Upgrade" to All Previous Versions (This will Continue for Ever - Upgrading)!

    The New DLC (Downloadable Content) Version, if you were "New" to the Game, had a Strange Line-up of Tracks - Which were Very Confusing to the Existing "Enthusiasts"!

    However, I for One, had Spent Hundreds of Hours, and Hundreds of Pounds, Trying to get "Super Smooth Video Motion", with No "Sudden Freezes".....It Didn't work!!

    Now, though, With Train Simulator 2013, We have Almost Achieved IT!!

    There are the Occassional "Freeze", as Some Scenary (Stations Maybe) or Some Consist (An AI Loco with Stock), Coming In and Needing a Quick "Chat" with the CPU, to Collect it from the HDD, via the Memory, etc, etc, etc,.!!

    BUT, I have my System Set in Such a Way, that it is Ever-So-Easy to Ignore This!

    (I use an Intel Core 2 QUAD CPU, an Ati Radeon HD6750 - 1Gb Video (from "Gigabyte"), 4GB DDR3 Ram, and a 700w PSU - Not Too Extreme??)

    AND, As the TS2013 "Comes Out of the Box", the Set-Up is VERY Acceptable! You can Though, Twiddle with all sorts of Settings - Both your Graphics Card, and Internal "Game Options" for an Optimum Solution.

    Now, the Advertised "PC DVD" Product, was Released 2nd November 2012 and Came to Me as Quite a Shock!

    We have been Reduced from 8 Routes, to Only 4!!

    ("East Coast Mainline" - Newcastle to York, "Great Western Mainline" - Oxford to Paddington, "London to Brighton" - New, and Isle of Wight - Also New)

    However, There are Over 50 Scenarios Available from This "Light" Version, which Could keep you Happy "All Over Christmas" (Some Last Upto 100mins each)

    Now, Lots of DLC are Available, From "Free", to £5.00, to £10.00, to £20.00, to £25.00 - Give or Take a Penny!

    But, the Bestest One, is the "Train Simulator 2013 Deluxe" @ £29.99 (Until 11th Nov 2012). This Lays On top of the "Light" Version, and Increases the Number of Routes (With All the Necessary Locos and Scenarios, etc.)

    (Hot Press:- They have Changed their Minds Again!!! - "" have now Dropped the "Deluxe" Title, and are just Calling the "DLC" Product, "Train Simulator 2013"! And it is now at £34.99!!)

    I have so far, added a Copy of This to my Normal "Railworks 3: Train Simulator 2012", and Got:- "London to Brighton", "Sherman Hill" and "Munich to Augsburg" - All Costing £24.99 Each - Good Buy therefore!

    However, I have Not Yet put the "Deluxe", onto the "Light" - I have got a "Light" Loaded onto another HDD, Ready for the Experiment - When the Funds Allow, and Shall Come Back here to Report - Watch this Space!!

    And in the Meantime - "Happy Cruising"

    Kindest Regards,
    Pentacone Peter.

    PS:- I am Very, Very Sorry to Hear the Poor Experience of Mr.Adam Green - I Do Hope that he can Contact me, to Help Further.

    PPS:- "New Reviews have Appeared in this Listing!" (

    And, they Both seem a Little Negative, I'm Afraid!

    They are Primeraly Concerned about "Original Customers" (Enthusiasts) and "How the New Game Inteferes with Their Normal Pleasure of their Existing Product" - Including DLC's and "Home Built Add-Ons"!

    Please let me "Throw-In" a Piece of Knowledge that is NOT Here Mentioned - A Certain Gentleman Named, "Mr.Matt Peddlesden".

    Mr.P, Must be Well-Known by ANYONE who is Familier with "". I Believe that He was a Founding Member, but has Now Finished Working For Them!!

    THIS is because "" Offered him a Project, "Too Good To Miss"!

    He is Now Employed by "RSC", to "Look After", ALL Third Party Developers of Software, Specifically Designed for "Train Simulator 2013".

    (I am Sure, that If you "Existing Enthusiasts", Contact RSC, and Ask for your 'Mail to be Directed to Mr.Peddlesden, then ALL Concerns will be Dealt with, with GREAT Diplomacy!)

    And, No-One Reviewing Here, has Mentioned the "Workshop"! (Maybe there is an Enthusiast Out There, who has "Hands-On Experience of the Workings of this New Venture?")

    The "Workshop" Seems to Allow "Home Made Add-Ons", be Available, to "Everyone"!

    BUT, to Re-Visit my Review Above, I am here to Explain the Game to "New Enthusiasts".

    I have now Managed to get enough Money together, to Try the "Train Simulator 2013 Deluxe" Version which is Only Available as a DLC from "" & "Steam", and Added it to the Basic (DVD Case) Version.

    (Remember, the "Deluxe Version" is Now Called just, "Train Simulator 2013" - I think to just Confuse All of Us!!)

    So, I Purchased the DVD Case, UK Version (Germany have their Own, European Routes, and I cannot Find a USA Version on "" as yet, But it Might be Out there somewhere, with USA Routes!) However, the UK Version is Currently £20.00, and as I said Earlier, Comes with 4 Routes (Two of which were Not Included with the Earlier Versions of TS2012 etc.,)

    The "Deluxe", Only Has Three Routes!!!

    ("Sherman Hill", "Munich to Augsburg" and "London to Brighton")

    Therefore, If you Purchase the UK Version (DVD), and then Add the "Deluxe", you Only get, "2 New Routes" - Since you Already get "London to Brighton" - AND, the Full Price is Now being Quoted, as £34.99 (DLC)

    However, RSC are Also Quoting that if you try to Purchase "London to Brighton", it will cost you £24.99 Alone (DLC Only)!

    And the Routes, "Sherman Hill" and "Munich to Augsburg" are "Unavailable" as DLC - Except through the "Deluxe"!!

    (Hot News!! I have Just Re-Visited "", and the Munich Route is Suddenly Available, at £24.99 Also! - Maybe they are Going to Allow the "Sherman" Soon? - Dec 2012 - YES!! "Sherman Hill" is Also Here at £24.99!)

    SOOOO, The BIG Advantage of the "Deluxe" is, if you Own an Early Copy of "Railworks", (Tornado Edition - Or Class37 Edition etc.), "Railworks 2" or "Railworks 3: Train Simulator 2012", then you get Three GREAT Add-On Routes, for Only £34.99!!

    BUTTTT, for New Enthusiasts (Who Soon , "Will NOT be able to get an Old Copy") the Recommendation is to Purchase the New DVD Case, UK Version, and "Add" the Older Routes of "Cajon Pass", "Hagen Seigen" (Now "Rhur Sieg") & "Bath to Templecombe" (Now "Somerset to Dorset") etc., (Each at £9.99 DLC) - This way, there are Lots and Lots of Current Add-ons, from Either "Steam", or Other Third Party Suppliers, such as "" and "" etc..

    In Conclusion:- The New, "Base Game" (Light), is Quite a Pleasure to Own, and Lots of Fun for Many Late Nights, and as Soon as you Start to get "Fed-Up", just Invest a further Tenner, and, "Away We Go Again"!!


    PPPS:- Please Note Further.....If you Get the "Deluxe Version" Only (Which Includes the Base Game TS2013), then I don't think that you will be able to Add a Copy of the DVD Case "On Top", and you will therefore Have to "DLC" ALL the New Routes ("East Coast Mainline", "Great Western Mainline" - £9.99 ea. & "Isle of Wight" - £19.99 Alone)!!
  • Safina Jamal - Can't wait to try out the pineapple versionRemember the days when encyclopedias were used to do research, the radio was the biggest family entertainment, and who could forget how we wasted an agonizing 30 seconds to:
    a. take out a knife
    b. take out a cutting board
    c. place the banana on the cutting board
    d. manually chop the banana 1, 2, sometimes even up to 6 times
    e. agonize for hours as we realized we made uneven slices, never being able to live down the reputation of poor banana slicer.
    This terrifying glance into our history should speak for itself.