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Country: North America, US, United States

City: 33301 Fort Lauderdale, Florida

  • AZCOMCustomer - From Cover to Cover!First saw this book at Barnes and Noble for nearly thirty dollars. I knew my son would love it, but didn't want to pay the cover price. I was thrilled to find it here at such a bargain!

    It is a beautiful book! ... Colorful photos and fun facts galore ... from cover to cover!

    My 9 year old son is enjoying it and so is the rest of the family!
  • Tammy - A great tablet for a great price.Got two Kindle Fires on Black Friday at Best Buy for $99. Can't beat the price, especially since they're 16 GB. I bought them for my 7 year old and 5 year old. I especially love the parental control features you can enable to make the whole tablet experience safer for children. They can play their games, watch movies and read books and I can keep my peace of mind.
  • Fraun Gray - Everyone who cares about living a healthier, cleaner life, this is a great tool!Not only is Jessica Alba beautiful, she is so smart and appears to be down to earth. I loved her pratical and wasy to follow book. In this books she appears to just want to offer somesimple and practical solutions for some of life's most precious gifts our family and our environment.. There is so much grat information packed into this book, I decided it would be a great gift for my daughters and my extended family too!