Review: Anti-Aging Medicine and Advanced Preventative Health - features health news, anti-aging tips, anti-aging news and anti-aging research in medicine and regenerative medicine from The American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine (A4M)

Country: North America, US, United States

City: 08205 Absecon, New Jersey

  • Digitalmonkey - I,m on a boat!No joke, this book is flying off the shelves in Japan right now after the quake. Great tips on surviving altercations with mammoth titanics. This book uncovers the hidden truths...what the coast guard is hiding and why pirates might just be our saving grace.
    This book makes The Deadliest Catch seem like just a day in the park. A must read! After you read this book, many cans of spinach will be consumed.
  • Marylynn Cruz - I love my new tablet!Having fun with it. Love the fact that it is on at the ready. I go on my tablet more than my laptop. Love showing my pictures on it. Used to use my phone to show recent photos of my grandchild. Wound highly recommend this tablet.
  • Victoria Allman - Doesn't hold any punchesWOW! Talk about a mind-bending thriller. Chevy Stevens is one author who doesn't hold any punches in her writing.

    From the moment Annie is abducted at an open-house to the last page of Still Missing, the reader can not help but turn page after page to find out just what twisted dark turn Stevens will put her main character through next. It is spell-bounding and nerve-wracking writing at its best. I physically cringed with each new torment Annie had to go through. That is not to say that this is too-dark or too-graphic a novel. Stevens balances the creepiness of a woman being abducted and held with the optimism of her release and reintroduction into her life.

    I really enjoyed her other book, Never Knowing, and can't wait for her next installment, Always Watching, but can't imagine how she could top this one. Although, she has proven herself as a writer and I know she will.

    Victoria Allman
    author of: SEAsoned: A Chef's Journey with Her Captain
  • SugarnSpice - AWESOME READ!!!This book gives great, spot on advice on how to Find, attract and keep the Guy. The information is very practical as I've used it myself after reading the book and found men to be even more receptive to me than they already are :) Must read book for single ladies or those wishing to improve their relationships!
  • Susanonymous - Barefoot Runners Move Over!To Mizuno and all the other cushy, overly structured running shoes: I'm so sorry I deserted you. A few years ago I left you. I was infatuated with the charm of the barefoot running movement. They said it was au naturel, the way God intended our feet to be. I was violating Nature with those overpowered running shoes. It was a love affair. But after awhile the infatuation wore off. My feet began to hurt. The Barefoot leaders said I just needed to give it time or I wasn't running in good form. I tried harder. I wanted to be good. But one day I found myself barefoot and pregnant. And now I can't run anymore. But every day I'm squirrelling away a few cents to save up for a pair of Mizuno Wave Runners to run to my state capitol where are bodies and voices are needed. THank YOU WENDY DAVIS FOR YOUR LEADERSHIP!!